
Sample Online Course Categories for Peer Evaluation 
(paired with specific rubric and scoring categories as demonstrated in chart below)

Course Resources (Online Course Literacy)orienting students to course management system (Canvas); introduction to course, instructor, and teaching philosophy; digital literacy; resource location; information for online support and campus resources; clear tutorials, directions, and support information provided for technology requirements; audience analysis; expectations for course interaction

Online Organization & Design
aesthetics add to functionality and of course; consistency across course pages/modules; banners/headers/pace; functionality of tools/links; diction/proofreading; professional presentation throughout/appropriate presentation of language throughout; ease of navigation and identification of necessary materials; accessibility

Instructional Design
structure of course content (scaffolding information); meeting varied learning styles/learning levels (bloom’s); assignments include and correlate with objectives, detailed descriptions, and clear expectations; module content; use of multimedia, technology, assignment variety; pace of course

is online, complete, and meets UCF requirements (UCF requirements); consideration of requirements for SL courses (link to SL policy); grading policy is defined and is set in canvas;

Interaction and Engagement
offer both formal and informal opportunities for engagement with peers, instructor, and course content; discussion board and/or email interaction is available; consistent maintenance of office hours or other access to instructor by students

expectations for assessments are clear; methods used to provide student feedback are explicitly stated; when employed, grading rubrics align with assignment objectives; multiple modes of assessment are utilized; provide sufficient opportunities for student assessments; both formative and summative assessment strategies are included

Rubric based on one criteria category (rating expectations to be clearly defined when implemented)